Understanding Left-Turn Accidents in Illinois: The Dangers, Medical Issues, and Legal Solutions

John J. Malm & Associates Personal Injury Lawyers

Why Left-Turn Accidents Are So Dangerous

Left turns at intersections are among the most hazardous driving maneuvers, especially in Illinois. Drivers making left turns must cross oncoming traffic, and the risks include misjudging speed, driver distraction, and failure to yield. These risks make left-turn car accidents particularly common in high-traffic areas like Naperville and St. Charles, where heavy traffic and reduced visibility contribute to the danger.

Key Factors in Left-Turn Accidents

  1. Complex Decision-Making: Left turns require split-second decisions. Drivers must assess the distance and speed of oncoming vehicles, timing the turn precisely. Any misjudgment can lead to catastrophic consequences.
  2. Limited Visibility: Parked cars, trees, and buildings can block a driver’s view of oncoming traffic or pedestrians. This is especially problematic at busy intersections or in urban environments.
  3. Driver Distraction: A driver’s attention may be diverted by mobile devices, passengers, or external distractions. Even a momentary lapse can result in a failure to spot oncoming vehicles.
  4. Aggression and Impatience: Drivers in a rush may attempt risky left turns, trying to “beat” oncoming traffic. This impatience increases the likelihood of a collision.
  5. Failure to Yield: Illinois law, 625 ILCS 5/11-902, mandates that drivers making a left turn must yield to the right-of-way to oncoming traffic. Many accidents occur when drivers violate this rule, leading to collisions.

Illinois Law and Left-Turn Liability

Illinois law holds left-turning drivers responsible for yielding the right of way. Under 625 ILCS 5/11-902, drivers must wait until oncoming traffic clears or slows before turning. In accidents involving left turns, the left-turning driver is often found at fault. Illinois case law emphasizes that left-turning drivers must ensure the road is clear, even if the oncoming vehicle is speeding.

How Left-Turn Accidents Impact Victims: Medical Facts and Statistics

Left-turn accidents frequently result in severe injuries due to the nature of the collision, often involving side impacts or “T-bone” crashes. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 22% of all intersection-related crashes in the U.S. involve left-turning vehicles.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that intersection accidents are among the leading causes of injury and death on U.S. roads. Left-turn accidents contribute significantly to these statistics, causing:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): The CDC notes that TBIs are common in intersection accidents, especially when a side-impact collision occurs. The sudden jolt or strike to the head can lead to long-term cognitive and physical impairments.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Spinal cord injuries are another frequent consequence of left-turn crashes. The National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center estimates that motor vehicle accidents account for 38% of all spinal cord injuries in the U.S.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: The force of impact, especially when vehicles collide at an angle, often results in fractures, particularly to the ribs, arms, and legs.
  • Whiplash and Soft Tissue Injuries: Sudden jerking motions during a collision can result in severe neck and back injuries. Mayo Clinic studies show that whiplash is a leading injury in side-impact accidents, often requiring months of rehabilitation.

The Devastating Impact of Left-Turn Accidents: Real Case Example

At John J. Malm & Associates, we’ve witnessed firsthand the tragic consequences of left-turn accidents. In a recent case, our firm represented the family of a motorcyclist who was killed when a left-turning driver failed to yield. The motorcyclist, traveling at a high speed, collided with the vehicle, suffering fatal injuries. This case underscores how critical it is for drivers to exercise caution and follow traffic laws when making left turns.

“In these cases, the devastating outcome could have been avoided if the driver had followed the law and waited for a safe gap in traffic. Unfortunately, we see too many of these preventable accidents leading to tragic losses for families,” says John J. Malm.

Preventing Left-Turn Accidents: Safe Driving Tips

Reducing the risks associated with left-turn accidents is possible through responsible driving. Here are some vital safety measures to follow:

  1. Exercise Patience: Wait for a clear and ample gap in traffic before making a left turn. Rushing increases the likelihood of a collision.
  2. Stay Focused: Distractions are dangerous, especially when making a left turn. Stay alert to your surroundings and avoid using mobile devices.
  3. Improve Visibility: If visibility is obstructed, inch forward carefully to gain a better view of oncoming traffic before making a turn.
  4. Understand Right-of-Way: Always yield to oncoming traffic, and make sure you are familiar with Illinois traffic laws related to left turns.
  5. Use Turn Signals: Signal your intentions clearly to avoid confusion and potential accidents.

Long-Term Medical Impact and Costs of Left-Turn Accidents

The long-term consequences of left-turn accidents can be both physically and financially devastating. The CDC estimates that medical costs for severe injuries, such as TBIs or spinal cord injuries, can exceed $1 million over a victim’s lifetime. Rehabilitation, surgeries, and ongoing care for these injuries often place significant financial burdens on victims and their families.

Injuries like whiplash or fractures may require extensive physical therapy and long-term pain management. Victims often face lost wages due to extended recovery periods, and the emotional toll can be equally significant. Anxiety, PTSD, and depression are common among survivors of serious intersection accidents.

Legal Representation for Left-Turn Accident Victims in Illinois

Proving fault in left-turn accidents typically involves showing that the driver violated Illinois’ right-of-way laws. At John J. Malm & Associates, our experienced Illinois car accident attorneys use evidence like traffic camera footage, eyewitness testimony, and expert accident reconstruction to build a strong case. Our team works to secure compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

We also understand how insurance companies often attempt to minimize the compensation victims receive. Our team of Naperville personal injury lawyers is experienced in countering these tactics to ensure fair settlements for our clients.

What to Do After a Left-Turn Accident

If you or someone you love has been injured in a left-turn accident, take the following steps:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you feel fine, some injuries may not be immediately apparent.
  2. Document the Scene: Take photos of the accident scene, damage to vehicles, and any visible injuries. Collect contact information from witnesses.
  3. Contact an Attorney: Left-turn accident cases can be complex. Working with an experienced Illinois personal injury attorney ensures that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Illinois Car Accident Attorneys: Protecting Your Rights After a Left-Turn Accident

Left-turn accidents cause severe injuries and emotional distress. At John J. Malm & Associates, we have years of experience representing victims in left-turn accidents across Naperville, St. Charles, and throughout Illinois. Our extensive knowledge of Illinois traffic laws and case law allows us to fight for the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a left-turn accident, contact our team of top-rated Illinois car accident lawyers today to schedule a consultation. Your safety and recovery are our top priority.

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