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How Technology in Your Car Can Assist With Crash Data

John J. Malm & Associates Personal Injury Lawyers

Event Data Recorders (EDRs)

  1. Function:
    • EDRs, often referred to as “black boxes,” are integrated into the vehicle’s airbag control system. They record technical vehicle and occupant information for a few seconds before, during, and after a crash.
    • Data Collected: EDRs typically capture data such as vehicle speed, brake application, throttle position, seatbelt usage, and airbag deployment.
  2. Usage in Accident Analysis:
    • In the event of a crash, the data from the EDR can be retrieved using specialized tools. This information can be used by accident reconstruction experts to determine the vehicle’s speed at the time of impact and other critical details about the crash dynamics.

Onboard Computer Systems

  1. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS):
    • Many modern cars come equipped with ADAS features such as adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and collision avoidance systems. These systems constantly monitor the vehicle’s speed and other parameters to assist the driver and enhance safety.
  2. Data Logging:
    • Onboard computers log data from these systems, which can include speed, acceleration, deceleration, and other performance metrics. In the event of a crash, this logged data can be used to analyze the vehicle’s speed and driver’s actions leading up to the collision.
Car Crash

Telematics Systems

  1. Real-Time Data Transmission:
    • Telematics systems use GPS and onboard diagnostics to record and transmit real-time data about the vehicle’s location, speed, and driving behavior. This information is often used by fleet management companies and insurance providers.
  2. Crash Reports:
    • In the event of an accident, telematics data can provide a comprehensive report of the vehicle’s speed, location, and other driving metrics at the time of the crash. This data is valuable for insurance claims and accident investigations.

Applications in Legal and Insurance Contexts

  1. Accident Reconstruction:
    • Accident reconstruction experts use data from EDRs, onboard computers, and telematics systems to create a detailed analysis of the crash. This can be used in court to establish facts about the accident, such as speed and the drivers’ actions before the collision.
  2. Insurance Claims:
    • Insurance companies often rely on this technology to verify the details of an accident. Accurate speed data can influence the outcome of claims and determine liability.


The technology in modern vehicles, including EDRs, onboard computer systems, and telematics, provides detailed information about a vehicle’s speed and other driving parameters at the time of a crash. This data is invaluable for accident reconstruction, legal cases, and insurance claims, ensuring a clear and accurate understanding of the events leading up to and during a collision. For more information, refer to sources like the NHTSA, Car and Driver, and the Insurance Information Institute.

Contact the Naperville Car Crash Attorneys at John J. Malm & Associates

If you or your family have suffered the loss of a loved one due to an accident or injury, contact the Illinois personal injury lawyers at John J. Malm & Associates. Our top-rated attorneys are knowledgeable on the use of black box/EDR data and can help you navigate your personal injury claim.

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