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Understanding the Impact of Rollover Accidents: Common Injuries and Their Implications

John J. Malm & Associates Personal Injury Lawyers

Rollover accidents, though less frequent than other types of motor vehicle collisions, often result in severe injuries and fatalities due to their violent nature. Understanding the injuries that can arise from these incidents is crucial for both prevention and appropriate response. This blog explores the common injuries associated with rollover accidents and highlights some important statistics to underscore their gravity.

The Mechanics of Rollover Accidents

A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle tips over onto its side or roof. These accidents can be categorized into two types: tripped and untripped. Tripped rollovers are the most common and happen when a vehicle strikes an object like a curb or soft soil, causing it to roll. Untripped rollovers occur due to high-speed maneuvers, sharp turns, or steering inputs that result in a loss of control.

Common Injuries from Rollover Accidents

  1. Head and Brain Injuries
    • Concussions: A sudden jolt or blow to the head can cause concussions, leading to headaches, dizziness, and cognitive impairments.
    • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): More severe impacts can cause TBIs, which may result in long-term cognitive, physical, and emotional challenges. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), TBIs contribute to about 30% of all injury deaths in the United States.
  2. Spinal Cord Injuries
    • Fractures and Dislocations: The force of a rollover can cause spinal fractures or dislocations, potentially leading to paralysis.
    • Herniated Discs: The vertebrae can compress, causing discs to herniate and result in chronic pain and mobility issues.
  3. Neck and Back Injuries
    • Whiplash: Sudden jolts can cause whiplash, leading to neck pain, stiffness, and headaches.
    • Soft Tissue Injuries: Muscles, ligaments, and tendons in the neck and back can be strained.
    • Tears: Muscles and ligaments can be torn, often requiring surgery.
  4. Chest and Abdominal Injuries
    • Rib Fractures: The force of impact can break ribs, causing severe pain and potential damage to internal organs.
    • Internal Bleeding: Damage to internal organs such as the liver, spleen, or kidneys can result in life-threatening internal bleeding.
  5. Limb Injuries
    • Fractures and Dislocations: Arms and legs are particularly vulnerable in rollovers, often resulting in broken bones or dislocated joints.
    • Amputations: In extreme cases, limbs can be crushed or severed, leading to partial or complete amputations.
  6. Cuts and Lacerations
    • Broken Glass and Debris: Shattered windows and vehicle debris can cause deep cuts and lacerations, sometimes requiring extensive medical treatment.
  7. Scarring
    • Several of the above injuries can result in permanent scarring.
Car crashed

Statistical Overview

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provides valuable insights into the prevalence and severity of rollover accidents:

  • Rollover crashes account for nearly 35% of all passenger vehicle fatalities, despite comprising only about 2.1% of all vehicle crashes .
  • Approximately 7,600 people died in rollover crashes in the United States in a single year.
  • Nearly 85% of rollover fatalities occur in single-vehicle crashes, highlighting the importance of driver behavior and vehicle control.

Contributing Factors to Rollover Accidents

Several factors contribute to the likelihood and severity of rollover accidents, including:

  1. Vehicle Type: SUVs, vans, and trucks are more prone to rollovers due to their higher center of gravity.
  2. Speed: High speeds increase the risk of losing control and experiencing a rollover.
  3. Alcohol Impairment: Driving under the influence of alcohol significantly raises the risk of rollovers.
  4. Driver Behavior: Aggressive driving, including sudden maneuvers and sharp turns, can lead to rollovers.
  5. Road Conditions: Poor road maintenance, slippery surfaces, and obstacles can trigger tripped rollovers.

Prevention and Safety Measures

To reduce the risk of rollover accidents and the severity of injuries when they occur, consider the following safety measures:

  1. Vehicle Choice: Opt for vehicles with lower centers of gravity and advanced safety features like Electronic Stability Control (ESC).
  2. Seat Belt Use: Always wear seat belts, as they significantly reduce the risk of ejection and severe injuries.
  3. Speed Control: Adhere to speed limits and avoid sudden maneuvers, especially in high-center-of-gravity vehicles.
  4. Sober Driving: Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  5. Tire Maintenance: Ensure tires are properly inflated and in good condition to maintain vehicle stability.

Legal Recourse for Rollover Accident Victims

Victims of rollover accidents often face extensive medical treatments, rehabilitation, and long-term care. Pursuing legal action can help recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related costs. An experienced personal injury attorney can provide the necessary guidance and representation to navigate the complexities of such cases.

Contact the Illinois Car Accident Attorneys at John J. Malm & Associates

Rollover accidents present a serious threat to drivers and passengers, often resulting in catastrophic injuries and fatalities. Understanding the common injuries and taking proactive steps to prevent rollovers can save lives. If you or a loved one has been involved in a rollover accident, seeking legal assistance can help ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact the Illinois car accident attorneys at John J. Malm & Associates for a free consultation today.

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