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Why Are Fatal Car Accidents Increasing in Illinois?

John J. Malm & Associates Personal Injury Lawyers

Recent years have seen an alarming increase in car accident fatalities despite advancements in vehicle safety technologies. Several factors contribute to this trend:

1. Increased Speeding

Pandemic-related Behavioral Changes:

  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, fewer cars were on the road and many drivers began driving faster. This behavior has persisted even as traffic levels have returned to normal post-pandemic.
  • Higher speeds increase the severity of crashes and the likelihood of fatalities.

Speed Limits:

  • Some areas have raised speed limits on highways and roads, contributing to higher speeds and more severe accidents.

2. Distracted Driving

Smartphone Use:

  • The prevalence of smartphones and other electronic devices has led to an increase in distracted driving. Texting, using apps, and other distractions significantly increase the risk of accidents.
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving was responsible for 3,308 deaths in 2022, an increase from 3,142 deaths in 2019.


  • Drivers engaging in activities such as eating, adjusting the radio, or talking to passengers are also contributing to the rise in accidents.

3. Increased Substance Abuse


  • Drunk driving remains a leading cause of fatal accidents. NHTSA reports that 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic accidents. According to the NHTSA, approximately 37 people in the United States die in drunk-driving accidents – about one person every 39 minutes.


  • The use of drugs, both legal (prescription medications) and illegal (marijuana, opioids), has been increasing. Drug-impaired driving is a significant contributor to fatal crashes.

4. Vehicle Trends

Larger Vehicles:

  • The popularity of SUVs and trucks, which are larger and heavier than sedans, can cause more severe injuries and fatalities in crashes.
  • These vehicles also have higher centers of gravity, making them more prone to rollovers, which are particularly deadly.

5. Road Infrastructure

Inadequate Road Maintenance:

  • Poor road conditions, including potholes, lack of proper signage, and insufficient lighting, can contribute to accidents.
  • Infrastructure improvements have not kept pace with the increasing number of vehicles on the road.

6. Behavioral Factors

Aggressive Driving:

  • Road rage and aggressive driving behaviors, such as tailgating, weaving through traffic, and running red lights, have been on the rise. These behaviors increase the likelihood of accidents and the severity of injuries.

Seatbelt Usage:

  • Although seatbelt use is high, there are still a significant number of fatalities involving unbelted occupants. NHTSA data shows that in 2022, 25,420 passenger vehicle occupants were killed in crashes. Approximately 50% of those killed were not wearing seatbelts.

7. Pedestrian and Cyclist Risks

Increased Pedestrian and Cyclist Traffic:

  • More people are walking and biking, partly due to urbanization and environmental awareness. This increase in non-vehicle traffic raises the potential for fatal accidents.
  • Pedestrians and cyclists are particularly vulnerable in crashes involving vehicles.

The rise in car accident fatalities is a multifaceted issue involving increased speeding, distracted and impaired driving, the prevalence of larger vehicles, inadequate road maintenance, aggressive driving behaviors, and increased pedestrian and cyclist traffic. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive strategies, including stricter enforcement of traffic laws, improved road infrastructure, public awareness campaigns, and advancements in vehicle safety technologies.

Contact Illinois Car Accident Attorney John J. Malm

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, contact the knowledgeable personal injury lawyers at John J. Malm & Associates to learn how you can receive compensation for your injuries.  Call 630-527-4177 and speak with our attorneys today.

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