Back & Neck Injuries

Neck and back injuries can be severe. If you have experienced a car accident or a work injury, it is possible that you did not feel severe pain until hours, or perhaps even days, after the accident. In reality, many people initially deny having symptoms, only to report severe pain a short time later. It is important that you seek medical attention and receive a proper evaluation as soon as possible.
Although painful soft tissue injuries may heal gradually, over time with proper medical care, injuries to vertebral disks, which are bulging or have become herniated, may not heal without surgical intervention. A herniated disk may worsen with time, become ruptured and press against spinal nerves, causing numbness in the arms or legs. Only a qualified orthopedic physician or neurologist can evaluate and diagnose your symptoms and determine whether you have suffered a herniated disk, or advise if you will need surgery. If you believe you may have suffered a neck or back injury as the result of a car accident or a work injury, get medical attention and speak to a knowledgeable attorney right away.
Ruptured cervical disks; fusion surgery. Kane County, Illinois. Settlement for $285,000 was reached on behalf of a victim of a dog attack and fall-down by attorney John J. Malm. The claim was settled with property owner’s insurance carrier after two pit bulls, which had been kept on the property, attacked a woman causing her to a fall down a set of stairs. In addition to suffering bite injuries, the victim suffered struck her head and suffered two ruptured cervical vertebrae; she underwent fusion surgery.